Brass Menagerie FSRP

Fantasy Steampunk


The adventure starts here

Welcome to Brass Menagerie!


The city of Nouvelle is full of mysteries,

intrigue, magic vs steam power,

the Echelon vying for resource control,

and an Undercity that resents those seen as having

everything they believe they can only dream about.


Bring your stories and join us.


Let's RP!

- Player Perks -


- Receive points to add to traits when setting up a character on the hud; see the HUD/Dice/Points page.

- New Player Quest - complete to earn sim currency, possibly XP, and get to know the sim and various players.

- Earn 1 XP per week for 6 hours spent RPing on sim; max of 2 XP for 12 hours each week.

- Receive weekly sim currency (tholar) and possibly earn extra as a business owner/staff.

- Opportunity to create an Echelon House.

- Able to have 4 characters on one account.