Legends of the Diffinxi, which are Lycans, Shifters, and Werebeasts, have been told around campfires for decades with tales of their speed, agility, coordination, and excellent tracking abilities. While some have attempted to assimilate into society hiding their true natures, others remain with their packs. Citizens throughout Brasswood are aware of the dangers of venturing out during a full moon.
Lycans are born from Lycan parents; there are no half-Lycans. Lycans are not ruled by a full moon and can shift anytime at will. When shifted, their thinking and logic are the same as when in human form. Lycans can procreate.
Shifters are a race that can shift at will from a bipedal form to one other form. Their origin is unknown. Much like Lycans, their thinking remains the same as in their bipedal form and they are born from Shifter parents. The bipedal form for shifters is preferably Human or Elven, but feel free to ask if you have something else in mind. One can be half Shifter, but shifting is a challenge and are weaker.
Werebeasts are created by a bite from another Were in shifted form. When bitten, the new Diffinxi must shift at the next full moon or face death. They cannot control shifting and run wild during a full moon. When transformed, they do not think rationally. Werebeasts can procreate.
Few facts are known of the Wighte in Brasswood, but there are rumors that several live across the continent as well as in the city and go about their lives relatively unnoticed. While some Wighte prefer to hide who they are, others do not seem to care who knows.
(Ask for an application if you want to start your own coven.)
-Power of Persuasion: Wighte have the ability to influence their target's decisions, but, as we know, magic doesn't always work. This is not mind control; outcome depends on rolls - Persuasion vs Willpower. (OOC consent is always recommended; use dice to roll Persuasion and Willpower before your posts to see the outcome for the scene.)
-Enhanced Strength: Significantly stronger than most mortal creatures. This ability is not added to hud stats, but can be RPd; i.e., ripping a large branch from a tree, tearing a door off the hinges, throwing boulders. We expect players to post accordingly when using hud combat rolls.
-Enhanced Speed: They move faster than most mortal creatures.
-Rapid healing: A well-fed Wighte heals very quickly, recovering from all but the most grievous of wounds in a day or two.
-Shadow-sight: Wighte can see in darkness as well as most creatures see in broad daylight. However, a bright light suddenly appearing from darkness will daze for a moment.
-Wighte cannot procreate through sex, male or female. One is 'born' only after being bitten by another vampire and being given the Wighte blood. (As always, transition is only with player consent.) There is a transition period where the individual dies and then awakens as Wighte once the venom has had time to course through the body - about a day ICly.
-A new Wighte maintains some aspects of their previous self, such as Elven ears or Orc tusks, but their skin becomes deathly pale. They are no longer Elven or Orc though, they are Wighte. The new vampire is bound to their maker, meaning they will sense each other and feel responsible to and for each other. However, loyalty is never an absolute depending on your character.
-The need for blood is all consuming, whether human or animal is up to the individual; a new vampire struggles with this every moment of every day. With age, this need can be controlled. This is of course up to you with how you wish to play your character. It is allowed to RP having a blood doll hidden somewhere.
-Protective clothing must be worn when out in the sunlight, and even then try to remain in the shadows. Wighte do not shimmer like diamonds in sunlight. Sunlight burns; the younger you are the worse the burn, but even elders avoid direct sunlight as prolonged exposure brings severe burning. It is advised to use a d20 roll to determine extent of injury.
-Wighte need permission to enter a private home (unless they've been there before), but not a public business.
-A stake through the heart puts Wighte into a coma-like sleep that only ends when the stake is removed.
-Wighte can transform into a raven or bat only.
-Dragons can only be bitten when in bipedal form and the blood will be acidic poison. Up to the player if they desire to transition to Wighte.
-Garlic has no effect
-Silver has no effect
-Running water does not stop a Wighte