The Echelon are the 'new age' of noble houses. House leaders are given a title and a role within the governing body of Nouvelle.
The Houses control various resources vital to the economy of not only Nouvelle, but the region of Brasswood as well. Each House is given control of a specific region by the Governor after the House is recognized. The Viscount and/or Viscountess must agree to ensure the resource they are given charge over meets production each month and understand they have taxes to pay. The Baron/Baroness assist in managing the region as assigned by the Viscount/Viscountess.
The regions are as follows:
Galad: The region contains iron ore needed to build and maintain ships, trains, and various buildings.
Ethir: This region is home to the rare element of electrium used to mint tholar, the currency of Brasswood.
Talath: A desert type region of quartz sand, the sought after ingredient in making glass including the finest glassware and china.
Pravan: A forest region filled with black walnut trees that produce a vast amount of walnuts and prized wood for building.
[Until there are player based Echelon, the groups will be NPC with a storyline to introduce the new house taking over each region.]
- Lead must be at least level 5.
- Four Echelon Houses will be allowed.
- House lead will receive 350 tholar each week.
- Houses pay 1000 tholar to the Governor's office each month.
- Each house will host an IC event at least once a month.
- Each house must maintain 4 founders/officers; the Lead and 3 others.
- If the lead must step down, and the house is active, the remaining founders will have 72 hours to choose a new head of house and will then go through another 2-week probation with the new House lead. Or they can choose to close the House.
- All Founders/Officers must agree to the minimum of 7 hr/wk on sim.
- Founders/Officers agree to RP on House region and resources regularly with house group and sim.
- House Lead(s) will hold the title of Viscount/Viscountess and addressed as Lord/Lady.
- Founders/Officers will be Baron/Baroness and addressed with that title.
- Other House members are called Peers.
- Once house is established, can have alts as members, but not one of the Founding Members/Officers.
Ask Taeghen Amalith/taeghen.bade or Cemrin/surasa.tatham for an application.