At first glance, Nouvelle appears to be a pleasant seaport, the capitol of Brasswood; however, it is a city shrouded in mystery. Many decades ago it was discovered that the city was built over ley lines known as the Chronoshallow. These lines are believed to be strong conduits of arcane magical energy. It is unknown if Nouvelle was built here by design or happenstance, but it is believed the location is the reason behind the history of mysterious events that have plagued the area for decades.
What are these mysteries you ask? Unexplanable events such as parts of the city suddenly disappearing along with many of the citizens, yet those left behind never questioned it, they just continued with their lives. Strange storms that appear out of nowhere also frequent the city. One of the most noticeable aspects of Nouvelle that visitors notice is the diverse population that live in and around the city. Many of the citizens are those who are no longer seen in other regions or even believed to have been nothing more than characters from bedtime stories. The most recent mystery is the appearance of a new governor that no one questions. Most shrug it off if asked about such things. Others say it's just the nature of Nouvelle.
In a city where magic still exists and the mix of magic users and those who believe steam power is the way of the future, those seen as the 'haves' and the 'have-nots', as well as those who dwell in the Undercity, things are not as peaceful as it may appear at first glance. This was shown several years ago when a small civil war broke out between the Jackels, a group from the Undercity, and one of the Echolon Houses. They fought to take over the power stations. When the other Houses stepped in, a truce was reached, but the underlying distrust still abounds.
The Governor and the Echelon Houses now control the majority of the resources that support the economy of trade along with the power stations and water filtering systems that are also vital parts of the city.
Whether one arrives by train or airship, many visitors have found something that entices them to stay and make Nouvelle their home.