Brass Menagerie FSRP


- Please dress appropriately for the sim. Mid 1800s steampunk, Victorian, and most Edwardian attire. Most medieval fantasy attire works as well. No blue jeans, tank tops, T-shirts, tennis shoes/sneakers, platform heels/boots, spiked high heels. No sci-fi or modern 20th century clothing, shoes, thongs, or any item with logos.

- Nudity allowed only in designated areas such as the bath area in the Playhouse, grotto, and private residences. Cover the bits in public places.

- We're here to have fun. Follow the rules.

- Consent is key.
- No child avatars. Characters must be at least 18 years old.
- Keep OOC chat friendly. No controversial subjects. 
- Do not god-mod. Your character has weaknesses and limits. You cannot dictate what another character does; only they can decide how their character reacts to a situation.
- Do not metagame. Do not use any knowledge learned OOC in a scene.
- Do not power-game. A player cannot declare their actions against another were successful without the other player's consent or winning the dice roll.
- Remember that IC actions have IC consequences. If your character breaks the law, they pay the price.
- Post Order: Use the usual post order for scenes with up to 4 players. With 5 or more, use group post order which is posting every 4th post to keep the scene moving. In combat events, a PO ball will be used.
- Life can happen at any moment, so if you must go AFK during a scene, please let others in the scene know and post your exit if possible. Do not carry on OOC conversations in open chat. 
- We are an adult RP sim, and consent is always key. Dark roleplay is allowed but all parties involved must agree and a log kept of the OOC agreements. If you have 'triggers', remove yourself from the scene.

- Character death is always player consent. If you choose to end your character, resurrection is allowed if someone on behalf of your character seeks out help from a necromancer and/or mage or sorcerer to perform the ritual. Resurrection rituals take at least 3 real-life days to complete.

- ERP must be in DMs, even in your rentals.
- Characters can be pregnant (if allowed by character rules); however, prim babies are not allowed nor are tummy talkers.

- Alts: Yes! You can have up to 4 characters on one account, but only one can hold a major role/position. Use caution with information knowledge among your alts to avoid metagaming.

- Please do not use dancer huds on the sim level. Keep the fun stuff for the OOC.

Combat rules:

- We are not a combat-focused sim. Any combat scenes are consent based. A combat scene cannot be forced on anyone. OOC discussion is the best avenue to find a solution to a scene. However, if your character instigates conflict by taunting or teasing, then understand that you cannot refuse combat if challenged ICly. This goes back to IC consequences for IC actions.

- With player consent, a combat scene can be freeform. If all players do not agree, dice must be used.
- Your character can yield in a combat situation by forfeiting to your opponent OOC and ICly. Using this action, your character loses the fight and can escape or be taken to jail depending on the scene. 

- Your character can choose to flee by rolling a d20. A successful flee is rolling 11-20.

- Before any combat event that includes 3 or more players, you must roll initiative. If you did not roll initiative at the start of the combat, you must get the consent of all players involved to join the scene.

- If your character wishes to break into a location such as the bank, a shop, or a residence, OOC consent must be documented and the players involved online. Success and failure of a break-in is determined by free-form consent or dice rolls.

Avatar Rules:

- Specific avatar/character rules are listed on the Characters page. Non-human avatars must be approved.

- No child avis or avis that could be mistaken for a child.
- Ask any Staff member about your avatar if you are unsure